3.2.1 – Natural Resources Review


Concept map of Exploring Natural Resources (Jerome, B. A., 2017).

    The above concept map details the advantages and disadvantages of multiple energy resources humans use around the world. The non-renewable branch of the map explains how non-renewable energy sources like coal, and crude oil are being depleted, and a transition to natural gas, may be imminent to support our current infrastructure. "Due to its advantages over oil and coal, natural gas may help bridge the transition to alternative energy supplies." (Jerome, B. A., 2017). Therefore I am hopeful that a transition will set methods, principles, policies, and procedures on how entire nations transition to alternative energy sources, and can then be implemented to transition to wind energy source alternatives at an easier pace than the transition from crude oil to natural gas as our main energy source

    This introduction video informed me of specific natural resources and their disadvantages that I was not aware of. Geothermal is an efficient energy source that is not just being applied as a means to cool server farms using the cold environments near the Antarctic circle that I have learned as a cybersecurity student, but to also use geologic activity like volcanoes and geysers to heat greenhouses to grow plants, and heat water for personal use. Finally that it would be easier, efficient, and cost-effective to implement wind energy alternatives first rather than solar energy alternatives.


Jerome, B. A.(2017). Visual Learning Systems, "Exploring Natural Resources"


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