
Showing posts from April, 2023

Activity 4.1 – US Environmental History and Major Regulations

  In the Western Hemisphere, colonizers are sailing west to settle and exploit resources that were unavailable and unknown to the general population of the Eastern Hemisphere for the first time. Upon arriving and exploring the coast of a new continent, many colonizers consumed resources without any after thought on nursing their current exploited land and instead relocated to continue to consume and never reproduce. Jared Elliot created literature works in the 18th century that documented farming methods to address colonizers exhausting land resources then moving to other plots of land instead of replenishing them. Elliot summarized the wastefulness of the settlers, “... when they had worn out one piece they cleared another, without any concern to amend their Land.”. There is no evidence to show that Elliot’s work had any impact, but would soon help the urbanization of American cities on the east coast that would begin in the mid-19th century. ( Theis & Tomkin, 2018) The a...